I Can't Wait for Spring!

Girls Planting Flowers on Spring Evening

As I sit here trying to think up something genius to write about, all I can think is, 'I can't wait for Spring!' The Winter weather is doing it's usual central New Mexico thing: it's overcast and dreary without any snow. It's just nasty enough that you don't want to be outside. 

Detailed image of an orange poppy at the Albuquerque BioPark's Botanical Garden

Most days I love being able to work from home, so that I can take care of my children and run my business at the same time. Days like today, though, are tough. My oldest son adores playing outside, but with the windy, overcast weather we've got going on, he can't- which is one of the reasons I can't wait for Spring!

Most of the birthdays of my family members and friends- including mine- fall during Springtime. This means tons of cake and ice cream, presents to be given, and memories made. We all end up together multiple weekends a month, sharing stories, laughing, and reminiscing. I can't wait for Spring.

Side Canyon at Bandelier National Monument

Springtime means the return of color: flowers, grass, trees. Even the sunshine seems happier. Yes, I'm well aware that the sun does shine brighter and stronger due to the tilt of our planet on it's axis, but I like to think it's because the Sun is just happy to be back. It also means longer days- evenings can easily be spent photographing families and weddings in that perfect golden light. I can't wait for Spring!

Running is something that I've fallen into a love/hate relationship with. I hate to get started, but once I do, I love doing it. However, I cannot stand running on a treadmill. It's boring. Springtime means that I get to run outside consistently. I can enjoy the sunshine on my shoulders, the sweet-smelling wind in my face, and the dirt under my feet. I can't wait for Spring!

Sunset in Los Lunas, New Mexico

Update 9/20/23:

I still long for springtime every winter. I count the days until the sun starts noticeably staying up longer. I study the trees to know when they begin to leaf out. And I rejoice when the first flowers begin to bloom. Springtime is my absolute favorite time of year because it is the beginning of new life.


What to Wear to Your Family Portrait Session: Part One


Behind the Scenes- Los Lunas, New Mexico