Here you will find all sorts of things: tips and tricks, book reviews, stories of my adventures, client features, and so much more!

Jesus Christ is the Great Healer
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we do not have a priest/preacher/pastor that gives a sermon every week. Each week 2-3 different members of each ward are asked to speak on a topic that is selected by our Bishopric- the three men who lead our ward. We’re given guidelines as to how long our Talk should be, as well as direction in selecting appropriate source material. And, generally, each member can expect to be asked to speak every year or so.

Moonlighting for Complete Weddings and Events
I have a confession to make: I’ve spent the last two and a half wedding seasons moonlighting as a photographer for Complete Weddings and Events. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, ‘Moonlighting’ means that you are working a secondary job, in addition to your main employment, usually in the same field. So, why am I sharing this? Well, I want to share with y’all what I’ve learned as a result of this experience!

The Rock of My Testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
When I was in High School, we had something called block scheduling; we had the same four classes every day for the first semester, and a different four classes every day for the second semester, for a total of eight classes- or credits- a year. But, as a band student, I was able to earn an extra half credit per semester by participating in Jazz band. So, by the time I was a Senior, I had enough credits to graduate early- halfway through the school year. My high school was overcrowded, and I didn’t want to be there, so they let me finish early, saying, “We’ll see you in May at Graduation!”

Dar a Luz Birth and Health Center Open House Fundraiser
Located in Albuquerque’s North valley, Dar a Luz Birth and Health Center is the only free-standing birthing center and breastmilk repository in New Mexico. Dar a Luz, as it is affectionately called is also a 501-C3 Non-Profit organization that provides a whole host of much-needed and in-demand support services and classes for families throughout the state. And, recently, I got to be their official photographer for an open-house fundraiser!
Road Trip!! Part Eight: Packing
Packing for an extended road trip is always an adventure, especially when you’re camping. There are clothes to be packed (how many pairs of socks and underwear do I pack?), the tent and sleeping bags, the cooking equipment, food, and of course stuff to keep the kids entertained in the car. I can only share what’s working for me.
Allison- High School Class of 2021
I met Allison and her mom, Christa, on a warm Friday afternoon on the UNM campus, where we were able to get a variety of photos of Allison for her Senior Portrait Album! It was a pleasure to work with these wonderful ladies on this photoshoot, and Allison knocked it out of the park with these photos!
Road Trip!! Part Seven: Courage is Deciding Something is More Important Than Fear
I’ve had a lot of friends tell me that I’m brave to be undertaking a six-week-long road trip as the only adult with three active boys. They’ve all also said something along the lines of, “I couldn’t do it. I’d be too scared,” or, “I wouldn’t know where to start,” or, “I can’t believe Justin’s okay with this!” It’s all been said with respect and- in some cases- even a little bit of what felt like admiration. But, the truth is I’m nervous about this trip too.
Road Trip!! Part Six: 10 Days and Counting!
Okay, peeps. We’re officially 10 days out from leaving on our first (mini) road trip of the summer. We’re headed to Oklahoma for a couple of days over Memorial Day weekend, before returning home for 24 hours and then leaving on our main road trip of the summer. Things are getting real!
Road Trip!! Part Five: Car Care and Maintenance
When I started doing my research for this trip, I found all the mommy blog posts on how to pack, and how to keep the kids entertained while in the car. They are some great resources too! There is tons of information on how to pack to make life easier, as well as plenty of car games, and how to get the kids to behave. Their lists and resources are all invaluable.
What to Wear for Your Senior Portrait Session
It’s quite a common question for both parents (or guardians!) and their Seniors: ‘What does my student wear for their portrait session?’ And, the answer is both really simple, and very complicated!
Road Trip!! Part Four: Keeping the Kids Entertained in the Car
There is absolutely no way that I’m spending 6 weeks or so in a car driving cross-country with my boys without providing them some sort of entertainment- besides all the places we’ll be stopping!- along the way. I hear, “Mom, I’m bored!” at least two times a piece on the 30 minute drive from Los Lunas to Albuquerque. They’re not gonna make it for 11 hours without something to do. So, here’s what we’ll be packing to keep them entertained:
Road Trip!! Part Three: Digital Tools
I hope y’al didn’t think I’d forgotten to update you on our road trip planning this week! ‘Cuz I didn’t. Yesterday was just my birthday, and I decided to take the day off and enjoy my personal holiday (I caught up on some much-needed sleep!). Anyway, this week’s road trip planning topic is covering all the digital tools and apps that I’m using to actually plan this road trip. I have to say, planning a road trip in the digital age is a WHOLE LOT easier than it was when I was a kid… We were old school- we used an actual paper map! It’s also a whole lot more fun, because you find attractions, museums, and parks that you might have otherwise missed! So, here are the apps I’m using to plan this road trip:
Road Trip!! Part Two: Gear Check
Over the years I have accumulated a healthy amount of camping equipment- I own a couple tents, multiple sleeping bags, and my lovingly curated Cook Kit. Like I said, my boys and I like to camp!
Road Trip!! Part One: The Preparation Phase
Y’all, I have probably lost my mind. This summer, I am taking my 3 boys on an extended road trip. I’m loading my 11 year old, 7.5 year old, and 4 year old into our SUV, and we’re gonna camp our way across the Southeastern U. S.
The Maliza Family- NMSU Alumni Pond
The Maliza family met me at the New Mexico State University Alumni Pond for their portrait session! It’s such a beautiful, peaceful area, so we were able to spend a lot of time getting great photos and chatting with each other! Mom, Mai, works as a dialysis technician at MountainView Regional Medical Center in Las Cruces, while Dad, Denmark, is taking a leave of absence from his career maintaining and repairing medical equipment to spend quality time with the kids.
The Gutheinz Family- Alameda Open Space, Albuquerque, NM
The Gutheinz family and I met up a few weeks ago at the Alameda Open Space area in Albuquerque to shoot their portrait session, and it was an absolute blast to work with them! As we walked around the area, they joked and teased each other, making me feel right at home because my family does the exact same thing!
The Fraissinet Family- Private Residence in Los Lunas, NM
Nicole and her family are so precious! When we were discussing places for her portrait session, she sent me a few pics of her backyard, suggesting we use it, and I was sold, so that’s where we met! I love doing in-home (or in-yard!) portrait sessions because everyone is so much more relaxed. It allows me to concentrate on creating a much more personal connection with my clients.
The Prangner Family- NMSU Alumni Pond
I had the honor and the pleasure of capturing Monica and her son during their portrait session at the Fabian Garcia Botanical Gardens and the NMSU Alumni Pond in Las Cruces, New Mexico a few weeks ago! This precious pair were a blast to hang out with, and I couldn’t have asked for better company on that sunny summer morning!
The Harris Family- Los Lunas River Park
I had the honor and pleasure of photographing this gorgeous family a few weeks ago! Kenyatta Sr., Kenyatta Jr., Ashonna, Gloria, and Keyondre were all so relaxed and down for whatever I had in mind. We captured most of their portrait session in the Los Lunas River Park, down in the bosque, but then went to a second location to finish up.
Kimberly Woods, and Family- An Elena Gallegos Open Space Portrait Session
On Monday night, I had the honor of meeting Kimberly, her fiancé Gary, and Kimberly’s family: Jeff, Kari, Bryan, Jesse, Jacob, Kaitlynn, and her dog Charlie! We met at Elena Gallegos Open Space in Albuquerque for their gorgeous summer evening portrait session!