Here you will find all sorts of things: tips and tricks, book reviews, stories of my adventures, client features, and so much more!
Wedding Vendors: What's the Difference Between a Service Provider and a Product Provider?
Earlier today I shared an article from Huffington Post entitled “The Most Common Wedding Emergencies, and How to Deal with Each”, and while their advice is spot-on, one of the underling, but unsaid ideas was to choose reliable and trustworthy wedding service providers. It made me think; do people know the difference between a service provider and a product provider? You need both when planning a wedding, but which ones are which? Well, in continuing the conversation started by the Huffington Post article, I’m gonna break it down for you!
How to Tie a Windsor Tie Knot with Justin Bradshaw
Justin was wonderful in helping me create this video tutorial for y’all! He has been tying his own ties for church every Sunday since the age of twelve, when his father first taught him how to tie a full Windsor Knot. Through my experience as a wedding photographer, I’ve learned that not every groom or groomsman knows how to tie their tie the day of the wedding, so we created an easy-to-follow video tutorial to explain how to do it!
Adam and Milly Little's Temple Sealing
I have known Milly and Adam for several years, specifically since we moved into the Los Lunas Ward in the Los Lunas Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Milly was one of the first Sisters who reached out to me, and welcomed me into the Ward. I’ve never forgotten her kindness, so when she reached out and asked if I could photograph her and Adam’s Temple Sealing, of course I said yes!
Copyright Ownership vs. Right to Print
One of the questions that I find myself addressing quite often is, “Will I get copyright of my photos?'“ This is, and isn’t, a simple question to answer, because the answer varies based upon each photographer and how they run their individual business. First, let’s define some terms:
Amateur vs. Pro: What's the Diff?
It’s recently become more and more clear to me that most people don’t know a whole lot about what professional photography is, or what a professional photographer (like me!) does. That’s why I’ve written the last couple of posts, but I wanted to provide you all with some context for this course of education before I go too much further, and y’all think I’ve lost my mind (clearly my children have stolen it and sold it on the black market).
Putting Together a Wedding Day Timeline
I sometimes have a problem remembering that not everyone was a Girl Scout, and learned how to put together an event like I did. I have a bad habit of assuming that people can automatically lay out a timeline for an event- without writing it down!- and make it happen on schedule. I planned several dozen events for Girl Scouts over the years, so it almost became second nature to me. Today, I’m gonna share some of that insight with y’all!
What is a Bridal Portrait Session and Why is it Important?
When it comes to weddings, no matter how much a couple plans or how organized they are, there are always some unknowns before the wedding.
What You Need to Know About Photography Business Models
I was recently watching a masterclass for photographers, and the speaker- another photographer by the name of Matt Kennedy- was teaching about pricing and business models for photographers. I realized right off that there is A LOT of confusion about business models for photographers, not only among photographers, but for our clients as well! If we can't event figure out what business model we follow, how can we explain it to y'all?! Well, I'm going to try to clear up some of the confusion for you.
Wedding Collective New Mexico’s Diamond Dash Wedding Show- Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque, New Mexico
About a month ago, I had the opportunity to participate in the Perfect Wedding Guide's Diamond Dash Wedding Show at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The show itself was an amazing experience, allowing me to meet a lot of brides that were planning weddings in the Albuquerque area. But, it was a LOT of hard work before the show to get this booth ready!
How to Get a New Mexico Marriage License and Change Your Name
One of the many things couples have to worry about during the wedding planning process is how to obtain their marriage license and- if you’ve decided to- how to change your last name. Surprisingly, these are easy things to do, but they are oftentimes confusing or overwhelming to think about doing on top of all the wedding planning. So, here’s how to do it in New Mexico:
Los Poblanos Historic Inn and Organic Farm- An Albuquerque, New Mexico Wedding Venue
Wedding photographers often have a secret list of places they’re DIEING to be asked to photograph weddings at. Today, I’m sharing one of the places on my list, in the hopes that, if I put it out there, someone will eventually ask me to photograph their wedding there.
Using Your Wedding to Give Back
Philanthropy is the act of giving either money or materials to an organization for the betterment of others. And, it is also becoming a trend for many to use items or gifts from their wedding to give back to others. So, what are some ways that you can give back?

Bridal Beauty Tips
Everyone wants to look and feel your very best on your wedding day- after all, it’s the one day you’re guaranteed to be the center of attention. Luckily, there are some things you can control when it comes to how you look. Here are my tips:

Have You Considered a First Look Session?
It used to be a tradition that brides would participate in a Bridal Session before the wedding. Many would use it as a trial run for their hair and make-up, and to make sure that their dress fit and generally, to see their whole look put together for the first time. Brides would then meet with their photographer to have their bridal portraits taken before the day, so that it was less hectic on the day of the wedding, and to have some special portraits of just her. But, this tradition seems to have fallen off. Today's brides just aren't interested in doing these sessions because they're so crunched for time, or because it just seems like a waste.
What Serving YOU Means to Me
I recently had a conversation with another wedding friendor (a wedding vendor turned friend) about my commitment to customer service- or rather my over-commitment to it. It made me realize that I haven’t publicly shared something about myself and my business that I’ve been hoping y’all would just figure out (and some of you have!!!). What I need to share about myself and my business with y’all is that my commitment to service is not superficial or something that I know I should have because I’m providing a service to you guys. It is an ingrained part of my core being, and something I do, no matter what.

Preparing Your Partner for Your Engagement Portraits
Many men avoid having their picture taken for various reasons. My husband is an expert at dodging my camera. But, most acknowledge and accept that having engagement photos done is necessary, so they begrudgingly agree. There are some things that you can do to help them prepare for your portrait session, though.

What to Wear for Your Engagement Photos
Your engagement photos are the first formal photos that you and your fiancé take as a couple. They say a lot about you as a couple- from the type of setting they're in to what you wear, they help people understand who you are and what you enjoy doing together. That being said, what to wear is a HUGE question, and to help you figure it out there are a few smaller questions to answer first.

Why Engagement Photos are Necessary- And What to do with Them
Engagement photos are the first opportunity that I have to actually work with my couples after you book your wedding with me. And, this occasion is the first chance I get to begin learning about both of you as new friends. For these two reasons alone, I highly encourage all of my couples to do engagement photos, but there are also a few other reasons.

10 Things Your Wedding Photographer Wishes You Knew
There are things we wish we could all tell others about our jobs. But, when you work in a service-based industry, where you work with people who've hired you to do something for them that they can't do for themselves, it's even more prevalent. Following- and in no particular order- are the things I wish I could tell all of my clients, so that they can understand that they're not alone.

Organizing Your Wedding Timeline to Get the Photos You Want
Wedding days are crazy busy. There is so much to do from the time you get up, to the time you (finally) kick off your shoes and fall into bed. But, after all is said and done, your photos will be the one thing that lasts beyond your special day, besides your memories. So, it'd make sense to plan your wedding day around getting the best photos possible, right? Here, I'll explain how to do that.