Here you will find all sorts of things: tips and tricks, book reviews, stories of my adventures, client features, and so much more!
Allison- High School Class of 2021
I met Allison and her mom, Christa, on a warm Friday afternoon on the UNM campus, where we were able to get a variety of photos of Allison for her Senior Portrait Album! It was a pleasure to work with these wonderful ladies on this photoshoot, and Allison knocked it out of the park with these photos!
What to Wear for Your Senior Portrait Session
It’s quite a common question for both parents (or guardians!) and their Seniors: ‘What does my student wear for their portrait session?’ And, the answer is both really simple, and very complicated!
Estevan's Senior Portrait Session- Los Lunas, New Mexico
Estevan is one of the most impressive young men I know! He has overcome so many challenges in his young life, that it’s hard to even know where to begin writing this blog post! See, Estevan has a fused spine and Autism, but NEVER has he let those things get in the way of anything he wants to accomplish!
Copyright Ownership vs. Right to Print
One of the questions that I find myself addressing quite often is, “Will I get copyright of my photos?'“ This is, and isn’t, a simple question to answer, because the answer varies based upon each photographer and how they run their individual business. First, let’s define some terms:
New Mexico Tech Senior Portrait Session- Socorro, New Mexico
This post is LOOOOONNGG overdue, but I still wanted to share the photos with y’all!
I had the pleasure of photographing Daniel and Thomas’ Senior Portrait Sessions at New Mexico Technical University in Socorro, New Mexico this last April.
What You Need to Know About Photography Business Models
I was recently watching a masterclass for photographers, and the speaker- another photographer by the name of Matt Kennedy- was teaching about pricing and business models for photographers. I realized right off that there is A LOT of confusion about business models for photographers, not only among photographers, but for our clients as well! If we can't event figure out what business model we follow, how can we explain it to y'all?! Well, I'm going to try to clear up some of the confusion for you.
What Serving YOU Means to Me
I recently had a conversation with another wedding friendor (a wedding vendor turned friend) about my commitment to customer service- or rather my over-commitment to it. It made me realize that I haven’t publicly shared something about myself and my business that I’ve been hoping y’all would just figure out (and some of you have!!!). What I need to share about myself and my business with y’all is that my commitment to service is not superficial or something that I know I should have because I’m providing a service to you guys. It is an ingrained part of my core being, and something I do, no matter what.

10 Things Your Wedding Photographer Wishes You Knew
There are things we wish we could all tell others about our jobs. But, when you work in a service-based industry, where you work with people who've hired you to do something for them that they can't do for themselves, it's even more prevalent. Following- and in no particular order- are the things I wish I could tell all of my clients, so that they can understand that they're not alone.

What is the Golden Hour, and Why Should You Care?
Even before I knew that this special time of day had a specific name, it was my favorite part of the day. Simply put, the Golden Hour is the 30 minutes before sunset and the 30 minutes right after sunset each day. This is the time of day when the sun is at an angle to the spot you are at on the Earth. Specifically in New Mexico, it's the time of day when we get all those pretty skies and colors. You know- the pinks and purples and blues that have made our sunsets famous.

Why You Should Choose a Local Photographer Over a National Chain
I admit it. I used to be one of those people that went to a national chain to have my family's portraits taken. In this particular case (the photo on the left), it was Portrait Innovations, and my eldest son- Christopher- was two. This was two years before I picked up my camera, learned how to use it, and started creating portraits myself. The portrait on the right, I took myself earlier this evening. Oh, and Christopher is now six.

Kenneth's NMT Graduation- Socorro, NM
Kenneth Smith graduates from New Mexico Technical and Mining College this spring with a degree in Mechanical Engineering! He hopes to work for either Sandia National Lab or Los Alamos National Lab.

What to Wear to Your Family Portrait Session: Part One
One of the biggest questions, and worries, when you book a family photo session- or any session- is “What do I wear?” Or, some version of it, anyway. I know in my family, it’s always the second question asked when we get ready to take family photos- the first being “When are we doing this?”

Los Lunas High School Senior: Robert
I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Robert Howard on his Senior Photos this last weekend. Robert is a Senior at Los Lunas High School, and will graduate this May.

Why I Love Photography
It occurred to me this last week that I never explained why I love photography- and that I should probably share that with you.

I am so excited to be starting my photography business. I never thought that I would end up here. Owning a business is always one of those things that a lot of people dream of when they’re young, but only a select few actually make it happen. I have to admit, I dreamed about owning my own business- for about half a second. I never thought that it was something that I’d actually want, or be able to do. But, here I am!