Here you will find all sorts of things: tips and tricks, book reviews, stories of my adventures, client features, and so much more!
Relay for Life- Los Lunas, New Mexico
I was blessed with the opportunity to donate my time as a photographer to my local Relay for Life chapter this summer, and although the event was actually on June 26, this event has stuck with me all summer long.
Why I Love Photography
It occurred to me this last week that I never explained why I love photography- and that I should probably share that with you.
I am so excited to be starting my photography business. I never thought that I would end up here. Owning a business is always one of those things that a lot of people dream of when they’re young, but only a select few actually make it happen. I have to admit, I dreamed about owning my own business- for about half a second. I never thought that it was something that I’d actually want, or be able to do. But, here I am!