Here you will find all sorts of things: tips and tricks, book reviews, stories of my adventures, client features, and so much more!
MaKayla’s Newborn Session- Los Lunas, New Mexico
In full disclosure, I’ve known Ms. MaKayla’s mamma, Monique since we were babies ourselves. My mom and grandma used to babysit her while her mom worked, so we were together until I started school. Our age difference was just enough to mean that I was a year ahead in school. The stories that we could share about one another!

Preparing Your Partner for Your Engagement Portraits
Many men avoid having their picture taken for various reasons. My husband is an expert at dodging my camera. But, most acknowledge and accept that having engagement photos done is necessary, so they begrudgingly agree. There are some things that you can do to help them prepare for your portrait session, though.
Simpson-Parrott Family- Albuquerque, New Mexico
I have had the pleasure of knowing Meg for a number of years now. We first met through Girl Scouts, and if it weren't for her, I'm pretty sure I would have given up on graduating from college. I've taken her family's portraits since I began my business nearly four years ago, and in that time it has been an honor and a pleasure to watch her family grow.

What to Wear for Your Engagement Photos
Your engagement photos are the first formal photos that you and your fiancé take as a couple. They say a lot about you as a couple- from the type of setting they're in to what you wear, they help people understand who you are and what you enjoy doing together. That being said, what to wear is a HUGE question, and to help you figure it out there are a few smaller questions to answer first.
The Gray Family- Belen, New Mexico
I had the pleasure of working with Patty, her daughter Jamie, Jamie's husband Ryan, and their daughter Leah this past Saturday to capture their very first family portraits in many, many years. While Jamie, Ryan, and Leah actually live in Portland, Oregon, Patty and her husband (who was still traveling home) have spent the last two years working in Poland. Before that they traveled the country working for various contractors in scientific research, design, and develop capacities.

A Bradshaw Family Christmas, And My Obsession with Hallmark Ornaments
One of Justin’s favorite Christmas movies is ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’, and he insists on watching it every time it’s on Freeform during their 35 Days of Christmas, and for those of you who don’t know, they show it A LOT. I usually sigh, roll my eyes and settle in to some task or another while listening to the movie with him (I listen to t.v. shows and movies more than I actually watch them). While I pretend not to like the movie, I actually really relate to Clark’s desire to have a ‘traditional family Christmas’.

Why Engagement Photos are Necessary- And What to do with Them
Engagement photos are the first opportunity that I have to actually work with my couples after you book your wedding with me. And, this occasion is the first chance I get to begin learning about both of you as new friends. For these two reasons alone, I highly encourage all of my couples to do engagement photos, but there are also a few other reasons.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer- Rio Rancho, New Mexico
At the end of October, I had the pleasure of photographing the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. This event celebrates the culmination of a fundraising season, in which the participants have committed to raise a specific amount of money to be donated via the American Cancer Society to support breast cancer research and support for those undergoing treatment.

Books 13-24: A Book Review by a Photographic Bookworm
Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post about my goal to read 36 books this year, and while I'm really close to accomplishing this goal (I'm reading books 34 and 35 right now), I wanted to update you on my progress. These are books 13-24, and my thoughts on them.

10 Things Your Wedding Photographer Wishes You Knew
There are things we wish we could all tell others about our jobs. But, when you work in a service-based industry, where you work with people who've hired you to do something for them that they can't do for themselves, it's even more prevalent. Following- and in no particular order- are the things I wish I could tell all of my clients, so that they can understand that they're not alone.
What Happens When a Photographer Takes Photos of Her Own Family- Los Lunas, New Mexico
On the day before Thanksgiving of all days, my mom asked me to take the guys in our family out and take portraits of them to send to all of my aunts and cousins in her Christmas cards. You would think that this would be one of the easiest photo sessions of my year- after all, it's my three boys, my dad, and my brother. You would be mistaken. Silliness ensues, chaos occurs, and yes- just like any other family- my kids need to be bribed to sit still and smile nicely.

'A Christmas Story' and Why it's My Favorite Christmas Movie
We've all seen the movie A Christmas Story- it's the one where Ralphie wants a Red Rider BB gun, and everyone keeps telling him that he'll shoot his eye out. It's one of those movies that has a cult following, meaning you probably either love it, or you hate it. I'm okay if you hate it; in fact most of my family can only stand one or two viewings a Christmas season before they're ready to move on to other Christmas movies (Home Alone 1 and 2, The Santa Clause, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to Town are all some other favorites).
Jane and Jake’s Maternity Portraits- Los Lunas, New Mexico
Jane and Jake Larson are some of the sweetest people that I’ve ever met. This past September, they welcomed their first child- a little girl named Payton. I was blessed to capture this special time in their lives- the last few weeks before they became parents and went from a family of two to a family of three.

Organizing Your Wedding Timeline to Get the Photos You Want
Wedding days are crazy busy. There is so much to do from the time you get up, to the time you (finally) kick off your shoes and fall into bed. But, after all is said and done, your photos will be the one thing that lasts beyond your special day, besides your memories. So, it'd make sense to plan your wedding day around getting the best photos possible, right? Here, I'll explain how to do that.
The Romero Family- Bosque Farms, New Mexico
I had the absolute honor of working with the Romero family a few weeks ago. This amazing family is behind Bosque Farm's Farmhouse Style- a small local business featuring reclaimed antique furniture and other goodies that come from Chip and Joanna Gaines' retail line. And, I'm lucky enough to have several of their pieces residing in my own home!
Monica and Kyle’s Maternity Portraits- Europa Coffee, Los Lunas, New Mexico
I had the opportunity to work with Monica and Kyle Honeyfield a few months ago to capture their beautiful maternity portraits. Kyle is a cowboy in every sense of the word, and they wanted to incorporate this into their session, so Kyle brought his horse, and we got permission from Europa Coffee to use their field. And, I surprised Monica with a flower crown from Ramos Flowers.

Happy Thanksgiving, Y’all!
As I sit here with my family, I can’t help but think of all that I have been blessed with. I am beyond grateful that I have a wonderful family and amazing friends, but I also have a wonderful group of friendors (other wedding vendors turned friends), and incredible clients-turned-friends. Seriously, y’all, I have the most marvelous people in all areas of my life.

My Top Five Favorite Books/Series
I’ve done a couple of blog posts about my reading goals, and books that I’ve read (those can be found here, and here, and here) , but I realized that I’ve never done a post about my favorite books. The problem with this is that asking me to pick a favorite book is like asking me to pick a favorite child; they’re all my favorites, but for very different reasons. So, here are my top five favorite books/series
Upcoming Wedding Trends!
Last Wednesday, I got the opportunity to attend the Perfect Wedding Guide of New Mexico's Wedding MBA Recap Breakfast at Tanoan Country Club in Albuquerque. Not only was the venue gorgeous and the food delicious, but I got to learn about upcoming wedding trends for 2018! So, in no particular order (and borrowing photos from others...) here they are:
A Bachechi Open Space Engagement Session- Megan and Eric
I met Megan and Eric last spring when they were searching for an Engagement Photographer to take their engagement photos. Their destination wedding in Colorado was providing them with their wedding photographer, but they live here in Albuquerque!