
Here you will find all sorts of things: tips and tricks, book reviews, stories of my adventures, client features, and so much more!

Personal, Adventures, General Nicole Bradshaw Personal, Adventures, General Nicole Bradshaw

My Family Reunion

When anyone mentions the phrase ‘family reunion’ most people think of the most boring, long, and hot day of their summer. You probably conjure images of almost-ancient distant relatives pinching your cheeks as a child, your parents reminding you to play quietly while the grown-ups talk, and cousins that you barely remember from the year before. But, have you gone to this same reunion as an adult? I have. And this is why I went. 

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Road Trip to Denver
Adventures, General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw Adventures, General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw

Road Trip to Denver

The last full weekend in July, Justin, the kiddos, and I hit the road with Justin's family for a weekend in Denver. We hit Hammond's Candy Factory, and the American Girl Store, but the main attraction was a full day at Water World- a water amusement park in Denver.

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Why I Love Photography


I am so excited to be starting my photography business. I never thought that I would end up here. Owning a business is always one of those things that a lot of people dream of when they’re young, but only a select few actually make it happen. I have to admit, I dreamed about owning my own business- for about half a second. I never thought that it was something that I’d actually want, or be able to do. But, here I am!

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